Sometimes getting the gist of what a project in the Web3 space does can be confusing, complicated and downright annoying. It's just par for the course. Let's take a moment and untangle the BOKZ Vision in the simplest way possible.

First things first.

BOKZ is hardware manufacturer, software developer and service provider. We call it our Holy Trinity.

BOKZ B1 is hardware miner you can purchase and use to mine in your home, or where ever suits you best. You buy → it mines.

BOKZ VPS is a rented Virtual Private Server. There are 3 different VPS options available. You buy → it mines.

What does BOKZ mine?
Not Bitcoin, not Cardano, not a single boomer coin. They're simply not profitable.

Prominent young protocols. Unknown, untapped, waiting to be discovered. We find real mining alpha and bring it to you on a silver plate. Early QUIL, early Spacemesh, early (still early) Satori. We help you win the war of information that is Crypto.

BOKZ is the first company to build a bridge between normies and early L1 mining, erasing barriers of technical knowledge, lack of connections and experience. Just click a few buttons then relax. You can do that, right?

BOKZ users get their hands on the most valuable information and tokens without losing all their hair.

Multiple tiers for holders, three VPS products to rent, one stunning B1 - all this in addition to the simple fact that we are granting you with the most precious information on the market.

Soon, available on our Shrodinger Platform:

We are not inventors; we are innovators. We innovate in the mining industry by leveraging existing technology in non-existent earlier ways.